popular participation in state formation: land reform in revolutionary mexico 1
h e l g a b a i t e n m a n n
free association and civil society in cuba, 1781-1895 33
a l f o n s o w. q u I r o z
chachawarmi: silence and rival voice on decolonisation and gender politics in andeanBolivia 63
a n d e r s b u r m a n
the production of autonomy: leadership and community in mayanguatemala 93
quetzaltenango’s first mayan mayor: transforming political culture and the politics of belonging? 121
elisabet dueholm rasch
book reviews
william g. acrejr. and juan carlos Gonzalez espitia(eds.), building
nineteenth-century latinamerica: re-rooted cultures, identities, and nations, reviewed by adamsharman 151
Hilda sabatom Buenosaires en armas: la revolucion de 1880, reviewed by ariel s. yablon 152 nara b. milanich, children of fate: childhood, class, and the state in chile, 1850-1930, reviewed by sol serrano 154
Jorge coronado, theandes imagined: indigenismo, society and modernity, reviewed by fionawilson 156
jane m. rausch, from frontier town to metropolis: a history of villavicencio, Colombia, since 1842, reviewed by Julio airas vanegas 158
matthewd.o’hara, a flock divided: race, religion, and politics, in mexico, 1749-1857, reviewed by susanschroeder 160
edward wright-rios, revolutions in Mexican catbolicism: reform and revelation in Oaxaca, 1887-1934, reviewed by Enrique guerramanzo 162
Gabriel agano, se llamabaelenaarizmendi, reviewed by stephaniemitchell 164
michelle l. dion, workers and welfare: comparative institutional change in twentieth-century mexico, reviewed by kevin j. middlebrook 165
jonathan di john, from windfall to curse? Oil and industrialization in venezuela, 1920 to the present, reviewed by steveellner 167
guillermoGuajardo soto (coordinador), innovacion y empresa : estudios historicos de mexico, espana y America latina, reviewed by carlos Davila 169
raul garcia heras, el fondo monetario y el banco mundial en la argentina: liberalismo, populismo y finanzas internacionales, reviewed by yovanna pineda 171
irwinbaskind, enriquelerdau and theodoremesmer, the aliance for progress in chile and colombia: some latinamerican perceptions, reviewed by thomaso’brien 173
veronicamontecinos and john markoff (eds.) economists in the americas, reviewed by ralf j. leiteritz 175
roy c. nelson, harnessing globalization: the promotion of nontraditional foregin direct investment in latinamerica, reviewed by effiekesidou 176
william i. robinson, latinamerica and global capitalism, reviewed by david slater 178
franciscopanizza, cotemporary latinamerica: development and democracy beyond the washington consensus, reviewed by cristobalkay 180
Juliet hooker, race and the politics of solidarity, reviewed by anaidflesken 184
raanan rein(ed.)arbes y juidios en iberamerica: similitudes, diferencias y tensiones, reviewed by luis roniger 186
mariosznajder and luisroniger, the politics of exile in latin america, reviewed by alanangell 188
jodi s. finkel, judicial reform as political insurance: aregentina, peru, and mexico in the 1990s, reviewed by karinaansolabehere 189
juan carlos rodriguez, the inevitable battle: from the bay of pigs to playa giron, reviewed by Christopher hull. 191
john m. kirk and h. Michael erisman(eds.) cuban medical internationalism: origins, evolution, and goals, reviewed by Helenyaffe 193
yolandalastra, joelsherzer and dinasherzer, adoring the saints: fiestas in central mexico, reviewed by John Gledhill 195
jose de echave, alejandrodiez, ludwinghuber, brunorevesz, zavierricardlanata and martin tanaka, mineriayconflict social, reviewed by lewistaylor 197
benjamin h. Johnson and andrew r. graybill(eds.), bridging national borders in north America: transnational and comparative histories, reviewed by iantyrrell 198
books received 201